Training With Zjamal Xanitha
Training: Zjamal offers flexible professional development packages that can be tailored to suit your curriculum needs. She brings to you the expertise of her 30 year international career in tertiary education, and her experience covering all aspects of training, curriculum development, supervision and assessment. Her specialised subjects include Somatic Psychotherapy, Gestalt Psychotherapy, Improvisational Group Process, Gestalt Dream Theatre. These professional development packages can also be offered in the following ways:
Professional Development Workshops
Master Classes
Short Term Projects
Conference Guest Presenter
Residential Retreats
All options can be brought to your area nationally or internationally.
Supervision: Zjamal considers it a great pleasure and privilege to provide clinical supervision for practitioners and students.
Please contact me to discuss how we could collaborate to meet your needs.
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My Commitment To You
I am committed to working in a way that is respectful, non-intrusive and serves your self empowerment. I offer my respect for the unique journey of your soul in your body. I honour that all our processes are part of nature and are guided by the wisdom of the Earth.
“Zjamal was profoundly instrumental in giving me the awareness and the subsequent ground to locate and explore my emotional heartland. She offered me her unique insight allowing my internal world to blossom and reach the emotional peaks and depths I could not have conceived of previously. To say I am grateful for the learning and opportunity would be such an understatement.“
“She is an inspirational instructor who demands personal responsibility in her students. Wonderful sense of knowledge. She knows how to get people moving in every sense of the word!”
“I loved, loved, loved this class! She is funny yet disciplined, creative yet well researched, supportive yet a task master, open to students ideas. She embodies what she teaches, and brings to class her keen intuition and alive energy.“
“Zjamal’s teaching made me realise that anyone and everyone have endless creativity.”
“She blends the archetypal and sacred elements with grounded experiential work in a profound way. Zjamal teaches a balance of depth and wisdom and discipline with openness, humour and compassion. Her work is innovative, extremely creative and at the same time practical and useful.“
“Working with Zjamal is like a huge sensitisation process. She taught me ways of being with nature I’ve never experienced before. Her approach took me to an intensely deep level of embodiment, and taught me ways of devising somatic interventions.“
“Zjamal has worked for me on a variety of occasions, and on every occasion I have been delighted with the resulting collaboration. Zjamal is a highly intelligent and articulate artist and she brings to her work professional expertise and creativity of the highest order. She is also an extremely caring person, caring for the environment and caring for her fellow human beings. These, I believe, are extraordinary qualities which are an indication of a mature and highly evolved artist.“
“Zjamal has a unique knack of meeting me where I am, with just the right delicate balance of support and challenge. Zjamal teases out with great skill the emergent next step in my learning and development as a therapist. Her care is deep and the generosity with which she shares her embodied wisdom is inspiring. I have enormous respect and gratitude for the way Zjamal has nurtured and empowered me to find my own therapeutic skills and style.”
“Zjamal modelled a framework for clinical interactions and treatment that really broadened my horizons. I observed the trust women with trauma histories were able to place in her, and learnt the relevance of warmth and laughter. Her support during ruptures helped me see that our wounds are of sacred service to us”.
“Without Zjamal’s supervision and leadership I would not be the therapist I am today. Zjamal offers creativity, wisdom, and humour to bring about deep emotional shifts which have greatly enriched both my practice and my life. Her supervision is precise yet gentle, enabling me to see where I might disconnect, and inspiring me to keep going”.