Therapy and Support Groups

One-to-one psychotherapy is very personal and I pay high quality attention to you.

You can also gain deeper awareness and insight by joining with other people in programs for recovery, to find support in specific areas of life.

These programs are very small groups conducted as short intensives usually meeting weekly. I deliberately keep the groups to about six people. A co-created safe space in the small group setting where together with others you can gain knowledge, learn essential skills, share and repair. The process still offers you highly personalised attention, but adds collaboration, connection, empathy, resonance and recognition.

Sometimes we are just ready. We are in an accelerated phase of change. Or all the cards are suddenly falling into place. Make the most of it

Extended Therapy Packages

Contact Zjamal To Enquire About A Program

“Zjamal skillfully, ethically and with enormous integrity leads me to moments of self realization that stay with me, reminding me to honour all of who I am”

Naomi, 45 Massage Therapist

“Zjamal’s support and encouragement have shifted my energy and I work on my issues in a more creative way these days. Learning how to create my own rituals has made a big impact on my life.”

Ally, 31 School Teacher

Zjamal’s insight has gently led me to a place of empowerment and clarity. I have gained deep self knowing from our sessions.

Jeanie, 53 Community Cultural Development

Through Zjamal’s companionship – her generosity of spirit, compassion, poetic insight and wisdom – my journey became safe, simple and clear. Her guidance revealed the light in my dark night of the soul. I now have the courage to live me. To my own wonderment I discovered a strength in myself that had seemed unreachable.

Holly, 48 PhD Candidate

Zjamal’s sessions have enabled me to find a strength, clarity, creativity and expression that I’d previously only dreamed of.

Steven, 49 Company Director