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Embodied Presence Workshop 4

Equine Assisted Therapy Australia 309 Petsch Creek Rd, Tallebudgera Valley

Two full day workshops diving into Visceral Support and Resonance: respiratory system and cardiovascular system digestion, absorption and metabolising experience. Endocrine Organisation: neurochemical communication and balance, energy and Imagination.

Embodied Presence Workshop 3

Equine Assisted Therapy Australia 309 Petsch Creek Rd, Tallebudgera Valley

Two full day workshops diving into Autonomic Nervous System: arousal regulation, restoration, repair and engagement and Fluid Presence: movement of affect, emotional transitions, expression in rhythms and cycles

Embodied Presence Workshop 2

Equine Assisted Therapy Australia 309 Petsch Creek Rd, Tallebudgera Valley

Two full day workshops diving deeper into structural support, skeletal alignment, grounding and vitality

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