Trigger-Happy Loving
If we learn to sense the seismic shifts in the undercurrent of our feelings, we can move from reaction to response. Rather than hiding our vulnerability, we can really turn up, albeit inept, clumsy and bruised, and co-create the return to safety.
Good Form: The Artistry Of Creating Self
Becoming a beauty-full person rests on an artistry of selfhood that takes both practice and discipline. We don’t arrive in life fully formed with mature awareness and elegance in contact. Over our life span we refine how we relate to others and how we relate to ourselves.
Coming Close to Dying (Part Two)
In Gestalt the foundational touchstone of our work is contact. I am interested to support you make contact with the most perplexing, unnameable, mysterious parts of your existence. We can hold together the unknowing, the knowing without form, or understanding beyond thinking.
Coming Close to Dying (Part One)
Dying is an embodied process. It has recognisable stages, and a discernible progression. There is a perceivable pattern. No matter what you are dying from, your death process has a formation, a sequence experienced by all.
Algorithms & the Attrition of Attention
There is a whole economy based on the purchase of our attention. Big Tech is driving your engagement, they are steering your attention toward things that they choose.
Far & Wide, Down & Deep
We have lost depth. We don’t know how to stay with something. To funnel energy and attention downwards. In my role as a therapist, this is one of my most consistent tasks with the people I sit with.
Time and Space
To voyage across time and space, to reach out to another person, to sense the journey that led them to here, to be with how something that happened long ago feels right here right now, is the art of the therapy.
Interior Design of the Psyche
The depth of our personal aesthetic is influenced by others and created over a lifetime. Our inner world continuously meets the outer world.
Meeting across Differences
Our habits to defend what we believe are laid down firmly and learned very early, and our biological defence systems when we feel threatened are powerful motivators for protective action.
Play, Spontaneity and Experimenting
I believe it is important to not lose sight of how playfulness can be a tender-hearted assistant. It is not making light of the experience or situation, but it can tease apart some aspects of experience that get tightly bound or fused together.
Healing from Self-Goading and Self-Loathing
I would like to talk about when our self-reflection process becomes brutal and self-injurious. When our gaze towards ourselves is not kind.
The Loss of Reflection
We need to savour our experiences, distilling their essences, extracting the full meaning of them for ourselves and find true nourishment from them.
Living On Loving You
Your process of grief will be as unique as your relationship was. You and your loved one were a singular combination. Your grieving for them is as if it were co-created with them; in its timing, its quality, its imagery, in how it feels inside you.
Living with the Seasons
Whether we are aware of it or not we are affected by the change of the seasons. People so often comment about the weather when they meet one another...
From Survival Responses to Relief
Do you think your nervous system has become dysregulated? Do
Embodied Intelligence
There is a limitless intelligence in our interactive physiology and biochemistry, creating an embodied knowing...