Healing from Self-Goading and Self-Loathing
I would like to talk about when our self-reflection process becomes brutal and self-injurious. When our gaze towards ourselves is not kind.
I would like to talk about when our self-reflection process becomes brutal and self-injurious. When our gaze towards ourselves is not kind.
We need to savour our experiences, distilling their essences, extracting the full meaning of them for ourselves and find true nourishment from them.
Your process of grief will be as unique as your relationship was. You and your loved one were a singular combination. Your grieving for them is as if it were co-created with them; in its timing, its quality, its imagery, in how it feels inside you.
Whether we are aware of it or not we are affected by the change of the seasons. People so often comment about the weather when they meet one another...
Our nervous system is an amazingly sensitive radar, continually tuning in to see if we are being received, scanning to see if we are safe. When we are with others, particularly those we care about, our nervous system is constantly reading them to find out if they are with us. It has an amazing ability to pick up the tiniest data and to respond, resonate, adapt or react. This process has been part of human nature and communication since the beginning. These very instincts are what enabled people to survive and evolve as a species.
The dangers we encounter nowadays are of a very different nature. But they do happen. When you go through an experience that you feel you can barely manage, where your safety is threatened, physically or psychologically, your nervous system is primed to protect you. When we have to endure a traumatising event, our nervous system will do whatever it takes to get you through. And if you are reading this, it did it for you. That is its mandate. But perhaps at some cost to you. Most of us don’t know how to recognise and release this primal energy. Because most of us don’t have an off button for our nervous system responses, we can remain easily triggered.
Unfinished Defence Responses
Afterwards, it can be as if
There is a limitless intelligence in our interactive physiology and biochemistry, creating an embodied knowing...